2015 ends soon – 2016 begins
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. The best to you at this season of so many faiths and holidays. I hope you spend time as the year ends with friends and family—those who you love and who love you. It is dark this time of year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. And as it grows darker, know that light will be coming again. In just over six months, it will be the beginning of summer. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” (Shelley)
What a year of transitions. I moved from teaching part-time with a plan of doing so for two more academic years to retiring fully in May 2015.
So, here in December 2015, I’m looking back on more than seven months without any teaching, prepping, attending of meetings, advising, grading (and grading and grading). I say that not to gloat but to remind myself how much I did give up. I loved teaching. One way or another, I taught for 41 years. I loved my students, even the challenging, rascally ones. I loved so many of my colleagues. Still in touch with many, but it is a complete change for me.
Over the past several months, I’ve been a fulltime writer. It is more work than I thought, but I love it. Book II will be published soon after the first of the year. Look for it around the end of January or beginning of February. I’ve entered writing contests. I’ve sent my manuscript off to a publisher for review and possible publication. I’ve done some readings and begun lining up others for Spring and Summer 2016.
I’m working on Book III plus plotting out and jotting notes for a new, completely different sci-fi series.
But first, complete publication of The Marsco Saga. It’s on course for total publication, all four works, by winter 2018.
Looking back is looking ahead. In many ways, I’m busier now than when I was teaching. Certainly, writing is no longer a squeeze-it-in event. It is the main event. And my time is more my own. It is easier to schedule in my power walks each day. In our warm autumn weather, much of that walking has been outside, but it will be in the “Y” soon.
Retirement from teaching has opened me to gratefulness. I landed at Southwest Minnesota State University 26 years ago. Never imagined I would stay that long. But I did and am thankful that I earned tenure, my promotions, and emeritus status at the end. I was excellently compensated and have a fine retirement. It does open avenues to write.
I am grateful to my friends and readers. Marianne and Elaine and my family members who have supported me and my career and my writing. I am appreciative of readers who have posted kind notes about my book or told me when they meet me how much they loved it. And for those who come to my readings, who set them up, who do the publicity and behind-the-scene work to make them happen.
So, on to 2016. May your upcoming year be filled with love and happiness. With thankfulness and thoughtfulness. With hard, fulfilling work. With plans dreamt and then accomplished. With a smile, a laugh, a tear, and a bit of mischief. With all it takes to be wonderful and wonder-filled.
May 2016 truly be a year of peace.